the Live Strong Blog

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Open House November 9th

Besök studion lördagen den 9e november! Prova på klasser, Niclas berättar om studions unika service & rabatt på 10- och 20-kort Varmt välkommen att besöka vår studio i Gårda! Kom och se hur vi har det och vilka träningsformer och

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What is Timed Static Contraction (TSC)

A TSC is a type of isometric exercise which involves contracting the target muscles against an immovable object for a specific amount of time, usually in stages with gradually increasing effort. Because the resistance is always exactly equal to the

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Red Light Therapy

Have you heard of Red light therapy? It has grown in popularity in recent years and is perhaps the best known of the light therapies. Sunlight contains all wavelengths of light, including red light and infrared light, which have been

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